
100 tips for choosing the perfect domain name

100 tips on how to choose the perfect domain name for your super modern website

Choosing the perfect domain name for your super-modern website is one of the most important steps in building your brand's reputation in the online space. Here are 100 tips to help you make that choice.
  1. Brevity: Choose a short and easy-to-remember name.
  2. Clear and Concise Title: The title should clearly reflect the content and focus of your website.
  3. Avoid numbers and special characters: Numbers and characters like dashes, periods, etc. can complicate the writing of the title.
  4. Uniqueness: Try to find an original name that easily stands out from other websites.
  5. Consider keywords: If possible, include relevant keywords in your domain name that relate to your content.
  6. Reduce the risk of misspellings: Try to avoid using words with multiple misspellings.
  7. Avoid hard-to-remember words: The name should be easy for people to write and remember well.
  8. Domain extension: Choose an appropriate domain extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.) that matches your website.
  9. Include branding: If possible, use a domain name that includes your business or brand name.
  10. Location: If your website is focused on a specific location, include that location in the title.
  11. Don't forget about security: If possible, use HTTPS protocol for your website.
  12. Positive and attractive: The name should evoke positive associations and be attractive to visitors.
  13. Avoid trademarks: Before choosing, verify that your name does not infringe on other companies' trademarks.
  14. Easy to pronounce: The name should be easy to pronounce and understand.
  15. Test it: Try testing the domain name on friends or family to see if it's understandable and attractive.
  16. Avoid long names: The longer the name, the harder it is for people to remember.
  17. Context and Meaningfulness: Make sure the title makes sense in the context of your website.
  18. Timelessness: Choose a name that will be relevant and interesting not only now, but also in a few years.
  19. Company and domain are not the same: If it suits you better, you can choose a different name for the website than the name of your company.
  20. Creativity: Creativity is key, create a name that is original and unusual.
  21. Try to be informative: Sometimes it is useful for the domain name to indicate in advance what kind of website it is.
  22. Research the competition: Try to find out what names your competitors are using to avoid similar names.
  23. Consider language: If your content is in a specific language, you can use the appropriate domain name.
  24. Availability: Make sure the domain is free and not occupied by another user.
  25. Find inspiration: Look at other websites, blogs or books to find inspiration for a domain name.
  26. Domain generators: Try domain name generator tools that can give you new ideas.
  27. Use AI: Artificial intelligence can also help you come up with a domain name. Just enter your idea in ChatGPT.
  28. Emotion and Meaningfulness: Try to find a title that evokes emotion or has a meaningful meaning for your target audience. An emotive name can attract attention and will be easier to remember.
  29. Consider future expansion: Before making a final choice of domain, consider whether you plan to expand your offer of goods or services in the future so that the domain name remains relevant.
  30. Expansion abroad: If you want to make a name for yourself abroad over time, choose a suitable domain right from the start. It will be ideal if its name will also work well in the countries where you are going to break through, and you will not have to change anything about it.
  31. The ending also matters: Think about what market or target group you want to primarily address and choose the domain ending (the part after the dot) accordingly.
  32. Local operation: If you want to operate locally only in a certain country, prefer the national ending (.sk, .cz, .at, .pl).
  33. International reach: Generic endings .com, .eu, .net are suitable if your website is to reach people all over the world, or if you plan to do business abroad.
  34. Search results: prefers the .com ending in global search results to local endings like .sk or .cz
  35. Trademark: If your .com domain is free, there is a much higher chance that your brand name is unique and has not yet been trademarked.
  36. Serious organization: The .org suffix is ​​suitable for organizations that want to add seriousness to their domain.
  37. Bloggers and job seekers: If you are thinking about a domain name for your blog or online resume, you can choose the original ending .blog or .me.
  38. E-shops, science and technology: For more technically oriented websites, there are endings such as .store, .tech, .space, or .site.
  39. Be creative: Stand out and choose an original ending for your domain. Check with your registrar for a list of available creative endings.
  40. The .com domain wins: The .com domain is among the most popular and widespread domain endings.
  41. Multiple extensions: If you choose a local extension for your website, it is a good idea to register a few others (for example .eu or .com) so that they are not occupied by competitors or haters.
  42. Name in e-mail address: With the domain, you also get your own e-mail address. Think about whether the title will look good in it, be understandable and whether it will not be too long.
  43. Use puns: Creative puns can make your brand more attractive and attract new customers.
  44. Don't Forget Pronunciation: Consider how your name is pronounced to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  45. Try to invent your own word: A newly invented word can add originality and uniqueness to your name.
  46. Include your customers: If appropriate, include words or terms in the title that are used in your industry or that are important to your customers.
  47. The name should be unique: Make sure your name is unique and not the same or too similar to other existing domains.
  48. Domain for eternity: Choose a name ideally so that you never have to change it again. You could unnecessarily destroy the acquired SEO value of the website.
  49. Imagine the logo: Imagine how your logo would look with the domain name and if they would fit together as a whole.
  50. Try the title in context: Try using the title in different sentences or situations to see how well it works in practice.
  51. SEO Friendly: Make sure your name can contribute to better visibility in search engines and building a favorable SEO position.
  52. Buy an existing domain: If you have chosen a domain name that is already registered, try to contact its owner with an offer to buy it.
  53. You can also get a domain by auction: Some portals also offer domains for auction.
  54. Backorder: You can also try your luck with getting an occupied domain through the service of capturing expiring domains.
  55. Consider multiple options: Don't be afraid to experiment with different domain names and choose the most suitable one.
  56. Domain history: Try to find out if the name you have chosen has been associated with something negative in the past.
  57. Brand protection: Once you've decided on a domain name, you can also purchase its other extensions or bug versions so that your competitors don't grab them.
  58. Try simple words: The name should be understandable even to those who do not know the terminology of your field of business.
  59. Creative use of the name: Think about how you can also use your name in various slogans, marketing campaigns and the like.
  60. Domain as an investment: Have you come up with a really good domain name that you don't need but is free? Buy it and you can sell or auction it over time.
  61. Think Social Media: Consider how your name will appear on social media.
  62. Social Media Availability: Try to find out if your name is also available on popular social networks like Facebook or Instagram.
  63. Domain without hyphens: Create a domain name ideally without hyphens. It is not quite common and you will avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and mistakes when entering the name in the browser or search engine.
  64. The first rule for the hyphen: If you already want to use a hyphen in a domain, it must be part of it. It must not appear at the beginning or end of the name.
  65. The second hyphen rule: You cannot use two hyphens in a row.
  66. Capital letters are useless: There is no need to use capital letters in the domain name, write everything as a whole in lower case letters.
  67. You don't even need diacritics: You will most often come across domains without any diacritics. In the online world, this is not considered a grammatical error. Feel free to leave out the diacritics too.
  68. Limited number of characters: We assume that you will not even need such a long name, but know that you are limited to 63 characters when coming up with a domain name.
  69. 5 or more characters: Almost all (if not all) two-, three- and four-letter .com domains are already taken. Therefore, when coming up with a name, save time and start with 5 characters.
  70. Ideal number of characters: Shorter names are easier to remember. Domains of successful global companies contain an average of 8-11 characters.
  71. Beware of typos: Do not make an unnecessary mistake when registering a domain and beware of typos.
  72. Grammar: Use a dictionary if you are unsure of the correct spelling of your chosen name.
  73. How it sounds to you: Say the domain name out loud. How do you pronounce it? Does it sound pleasant to you and your surroundings?
  74. Name and your brand: Think about how your name fits into your overall style and if it matches what your brand stands for.
  75. Personal approach: If your website covers your personal brand or professional identity, consider using your name in the title.
  76. Clarity in the URL: Try to choose a name that will be clear and easy to read even in the URL address.
  77. Don't add unnecessary words: Unnecessary words or a title that is too long can make it difficult for your customers to find your brand on the Internet.
  78. Domain rules: Before registering a domain, familiarize yourself with the registrar's rules to see if you accidentally violate any of them.
  79. Beware of illegal activity: Make sure that your name does not in any way encourage illegal activity or damage the reputation of another brand or publicly known person.
  80. Correctness: The name should not insult or defame any minorities or opinion groups.
  81. Be polite: Do not use vulgar or otherwise inappropriate words. Make sure that your domain name does not sound vulgar even in other languages ​​you are going to work with.
  82. Avoid inaccurate translations: If you plan to use the name in another language, check that its possible translation does not contain an unwanted meaning.
  83. Try word combinations: Try combining different words and combinations to choose the best option for your original domain name.
  84. Test its eligibility: The name should be suitable and safe for different media and communication channels.
  85. Use on business cards: If you also use paper business cards, make sure that the name of the website is not missing on them and that it is easy to read.
  86. Imagine Ads: Your name should be easy to use in different advertising campaigns.
  87. Use synonyms: If you have a favorite word or term, try to find its synonym that might be more interesting or suitable for your domain name.
  88. Include seasonal or trending words: If appropriate, include words in the title that are currently trending or popular with your target audience.
  89. Don't delay registering a domain for too long: There is a lot of interest in domains.
  90. Every day counts: The sooner you register a domain, the sooner its history begins to be written. And the older the website, the better the SEO values.
  91. Include activities or experiences: Try including words in your title that relate to specific activities, experiences, or interests related to your business.
  92. Avoid artificial abbreviations: Do not use abbreviations that do not have a clear meaning or are difficult to remember.
  93. Consider its flexibility: Try to choose a name that will be flexible and allow you to expand the content or focus of your site in the future.
  94. Get expert opinions: If you can, seek advice from marketing or branding experts.
  95. Try language toys: If your website is multilingual, try looking for word toys that can work in different languages.
  96. Take your time: Choosing a domain name is an important step, so take your time and give yourself plenty of time to think and decide.
  97. Trust your gut: Choose a name that resonates with you and will work well with your business.
  98. Sleep on it: Let your decision mature for a while to see if you agree with the domain name.
  99. Fix it and save: If you are already convinced about the domain name, buy it straight away for the longest possible period (usually 10 years). You can save money in the long run.
  100. Contact us: If, despite the tips mentioned above, you still can't find a suitable name, just contact us and we'll come up with it together.



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